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What Should I Do With My Commission Check? - For Real Estate Agents
Posted by Alexander Fazelani on
In this video Alexander Fazelani breaks down 4 ways to divvy up your commission check to avoid one of the most common mistakes made by real estate agents. Most agents fail out of real estate not because they lack sales skills or the ability to learn, It is purely due to the fact they lose momentum because of financial strain. That is why Alexander Fazelani thought it is important to share his experience and strategies to solve this common issue.
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What Should I Do With My Commission Check? - For Real Estate Agents
Posted by Alexander Fazelani on
In this video Alexander Fazelani breaks down 4 ways to divvy up your commission check to avoid one of the most common mistakes made by real estate agents. Most agents fail out of real estate not because they lack sales skills or the ability to learn, It is purely due to the fact they lose momentum because of financial strain. That is why Alexander Fazelani thought it is important to share his experience and strategies to solve this common issue.
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Top 25 Tax Deductions for Real Estate Agents
Posted by Amanda Bohorquez on
We've been a big time fan of @LouSorianoFP and the educational content he shares on his Instagram Account. As we near the end of 2021 and gear up for the new year, many business savvy real estate professionals are racking up tax deductions. When uncle sam comes knocking in the new year, we all can admit we'd prefer to have as many tax deductions as possible.
In the video below, shared on @LouSorianoFP 's Instagram Account, he breaks down the top 25 Tax Deductions for Realtors®.
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Top 25 Tax Deductions for Real Estate Agents
Posted by Amanda Bohorquez on
We've been a big time fan of @LouSorianoFP and the educational content he shares on his Instagram Account. As we near the end of 2021 and gear up for the new year, many business savvy real estate professionals are racking up tax deductions. When uncle sam comes knocking in the new year, we all can admit we'd prefer to have as many tax deductions as possible.
In the video below, shared on @LouSorianoFP 's Instagram Account, he breaks down the top 25 Tax Deductions for Realtors®.
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Navigating Your Real Estate Business Budget
Posted by Alexander Fazelani on
This 100% FREE training with Alex Fazleani ( @alexfazelani ) covers how real estate agents can make better decisions about their business budgeting strategies. As a previous broker/owner and a Real Estate Professional of over 7 years, Alex has had both failures and successes when it comes to personal and professional finance in the real estate world. In this free training he shares his insights, biggest lessons and practical knowledge that will help real estate agents handle their money better AND grow their business.
What You'll Learn:
- The Real Reason Most Realtors Fail
- 50/25/15/10 Rule
- Splitting Up Your Commission
- Hiring the Right Accountant
- Tools You Can Use
- Tools That are FREE
- Creating Your Team
Navigating Your Real Estate Business Budget
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Navigating Your Real Estate Business Budget
Posted by Alexander Fazelani on
This 100% FREE training with Alex Fazleani ( @alexfazelani ) covers how real estate agents can make better decisions about their business budgeting strategies. As a previous broker/owner and a Real Estate Professional of over 7 years, Alex has had both failures and successes when it comes to personal and professional finance in the real estate world. In this free training he shares his insights, biggest lessons and practical knowledge that will help real estate agents handle their money better AND grow their business.
What You'll Learn:
- The Real Reason Most Realtors Fail
- 50/25/15/10 Rule
- Splitting Up Your Commission
- Hiring the Right Accountant
- Tools You Can Use
- Tools That are FREE
- Creating Your Team
Navigating Your Real Estate Business Budget