In last weeks Marketing Monday labeled - [Part 1 of 4] "Stop Calling Me, Go To H***", we revisited a personal story with a past client of mine named Chris. We touched on how the relationship developed first hand and how following up constantly and dealing with rejection is a mandatory skill everyone needs to find comfort in as a realtor. Today we are going to touch on your set marketing and prospecting plan!
If you are anything like me, I used to jump around a lot early on in my career when it came to marketing and prospecting. One day I was cold calling, the next I was door knocking, and the day after that I was standing on the corner with a chalk board that read “ask me anything about real estate.” The truth is I didn’t have a shortage of ideas, I had an issue with consistency. Consistency is single handedly one of the most important aspects of your business plan.
It doesn't matter if you're marketing organically through Facebook, Prospecting in the DM’s of instagram or calling FSBOs the good old fashioned way. You’re prospecting and marketing mix has to be scheduled and done consistently.
I know what you're thinking... What is the difference between marketing and prospecting?
Prospecting - Is any active approach to creating business relationships. For example:
- Calling leads that come through Zillow,,
- Calling FSBO’s, Expires, Geo Calls, FRBO
- Calling Leads from your Facebook Ads, Youtube Pre-Roll Ads, Google Pay Per Click
- Door Knocking and Hosting Open Houses
Marketing - Branding activities that will lead to inbound leads or opportunities. For example:
- Post Carding, Flyering, and News Paper Ads
- Facebook Ads, Google Pay Per Click, Youtube Pre-Roll Ads
- Creating Content for Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn
- BillBoards, Bus Benches, For Sale Signs, Open House Signs, ETC
The truth is there is no perfect combination! I recommend you take 2-3 prospecting and marketing methods from each section and focus on their consistency. The good news is we just made our Business Plan for Real Estate Agents digital to take the guesswork out of it all.
Inside the business plan you will be able to break down:
- Your Annual GCI goal
- Transaction goals
- Reach out goals
- Your Ideal Client
- Create your Prospecting and Marketing mix
- Manifestation List
- Maximizing Your Budget
- And so much more…
We heard your requests! Now you can download it and use it forever. Use it quarterly, monthly or even yearly.