It's no secret that when it comes to Real Estate, more conversations equals more relationships which lead to more closed deals. This means that success in real estate is directly correlated with the amount of individual people you have the power to interact with in any given year. Since that is a fact, it begs the question:
Why don't real estate agents take better advantage of the holiday season?
With tons of opportunities to attend parties, dinners, brunches, and local holiday markets there's never been an easier time to mix-and-mingle! Here are 5 ways to guarantee you grow your CRM as you get closer to the new year:
1. Don't Use Your Business Cards
Alright, we know this one sounds weird, but hear us out. The holiday season is a time of cheer, celebration and gratitude. Yes, sales are involved because people are shopping, but you don't sell stocking stuffers for a living...unless you sell tiny homes #JK
On a serious note, this is no time to mass-pass your business cards. Instead it's a time to collect phone numbers and email addresses; personally. Whip out that phone of yours and ask for THEIR contact information. Do this at every holiday party, dinner, casual get-together, and brunch. For any local holiday markets you attend, collect their business card.
*Disclaimer: If you're attending holiday markets and spark conversation with the local vendors, business cards are okay here. They're busy trying to sell and may not have time to exchange numbers like your uncle's work friend might.
2. Attend Events With "Strangers"
Now "stranger danger" aside, you already know when your family and friends are getting together. It's time to get yourself invited to, or register, for events where you don't already know everyone who is there.
If this is your first time, or you're no entirely comfortable working a networking room, bring a friend/team member. Refer to tip #1, rinse and repeat for as many events as your heart and schedule can handle.
3. Take Your Online Audience Off The Platform
If you spent 2020 & 2021 building a social media audience across Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, or YouTube; it's time to extract your audience. Their emails and phone numbers need to be in your database. If Instagram shut down tomorrow how would you reach them all?
Ideas for getting this done include: Adding Call To Actions to your post directing your audience to an email sign up; going 1-by-1 (if you have a smaller audience) and asking them to connect; hosting a holiday giveaway and require email/phone number sign ups; download the data directly from the platform if possible (i.e. Facebook and Linkedin).
4. Host a Holiday Party
Short on time to attend events? Throw your own and extend the invitation beyond your sphere of influence. We covered how to do this include of Marketing Mondays in November – if you haven't signed up click here.
This is a great way to gather a lot your own raving clients/fans in one room and mix them with potential future clients.
5. Ask For Referrals
Are you sending out holiday cards? Are you making holiday phone calls? Don't be shy about mentioning your ability to handle and care for referrals! There is a lot of money left on the table by agents and brokers who simply don't ask for the business. Everyone knows someone looking to buy, sell, or rent. It's up to you to make sure your sphere of influence knows that you are taking on more clients.
Do you have more ideas for database building during the holiday season? Comment below and share this post with a fellow agent!