Fire Flyers Do's and Don'ts - Get More Listings

Posted by Alexander Fazelani on

Fire Flyers are one of the most simple and effective ways to brand and market your real estate business. It only requires 4 things: Paper, Pen, Business Card, and a Printer for multiple copies. No designing, or complicated campaigns. Just simple mailers that convey what you can do, and what you want – which is more business.

Due to the personal nature of a handwritten letter, more prospects are likely to read through your messaging which by the law of numbers will up your conversion ratio. 

Just like many marketing strategies, there are right ways and wrong ways of using them. I’ve used fire flyers for years and have figured out many do’s and don’ts to the method. If you get this right, and become consistent with your efforts, I can almost guarantee hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of commissions. 

Fire Flyer Don't #1

Do not overcomplicate the message! You do not want a 2-page detailed essay on why you are trying to get the prospect’s attention. You want to keep it short, concise, and straight to the point.


Hey there [insert prospect's name if possible], 

My name is Alex. I'm a local Realtor® and I sold the house right down the block at [Insert Address]. I have a couple of buyers that are interested in moving into the area. [Short Direct Story] Would you happen to know a neighbor looking to sell? Are you yourself looking to take advantage of the market? If you are, or you know somebody, please give me a call or shoot me a text at [Your Number].

Your Local Realtor®, 

[Sign Your Name] 

Fire Flyer Do #1 

Attach a business card to the base of the flyer. You can also design a footer that has your picture and information on it in case your prospect wants to reach you in alternative ways. Having your information on every piece of marketing and branding that you send out is mandatory. Fire flyers are no different. 

Fire Flyer Don't #2 

Please do not type up a message. The whole point of this marketing piece is for it to look handwritten. The goal is to get people to read it. I’ve had many agents on my team attempt to type out the Fire Flyer because of their insecurities in regards to their handwriting. This is a mistake because your conversion ratio is going to drop. You might as well just send out postcards instead.  

Fire Flyers Do #2 

Make sure you follow the Law of Numbers. Although Fire Flyers will help you have a higher conversion rate (since they are hand-written), you still want to try and get in front of as many people as humanly possible.

I also highly recommend utilizing Fire Flyers while Door-knocking. The two methods create a marketing synergy that will allow your personality and individuality to shine through. 

Fire Flyers Don't #3 

Do not send out this message multiple times throughout the year. Your goal is to make the prospect feel that you are reaching out to them individually. If they get the feeling that you are copying and pasting the message, you are going to lose the desired effect of the Fire Flyer. Although that repeating method may work with post-carding it will hurt your chances of getting business with the Fire Flyer method because prospects will be less likely to read through your messages if they see them as "spammy." 

Fire Flyers Do #3

Having a campaign is paramount. You should have a text campaign, email campaign, and postcard campaign. A Fire Flyer campaign is necessary to maximize your results. Having different templates could really add to your marketing tool kit. I recommend having ones for just sold, just listed, a buyer looking to move into the area, an open house, and an under contract letter template at the ready.

Imagine a prospect receiving multiple handwritten letters about what’s going on in their real estate market. It will do wonders for your business. 

If you are looking for a new marketing and branding method, utilizing Fire Flyers might be a good idea to add your personal flair to your marketing plan. In a market flooded with real estate agents sometimes utilizing methods that seem outdated, old school, or “too time-consuming” might make all the difference in your business. Now go write out that one handwritten letter that might change your business forever. 

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